The information shared in this post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical advice. The statements made on this article regarding CBD have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of CBD has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before using CBD, especially if you have any medical conditions. Your doctor can help determine if CBD is right for you.
How Long Does CBD Vape Stay in Your Body? Decoding THC
Audio: 3 minutes: 31 seconds
Curious about how long CBD vape lasts in your body? Our comprehensive guide helps you understand CBD and THC’s effects and detection in drug tests.
Main Highlights
- CBD vape generally stays in the body for 5-6 hours.
- THC from full-spectrum products can be detectable for days to weeks.
- Detection times vary based on dosage, frequency, and individual factors.
- Full-spectrum CBD poses a higher risk for positive drug tests due to THC content.
Most Frequently Asked Question: How long does CBD vape stay in your body?
Answer: CBD vape typically stays in your system for about five to six hours. However, THC from CBD vape can be detected for several days to weeks, depending on usage frequency and individual metabolism.
How long does THC from CBD vape stay in your body? This is a question we see often asked by people who are concerned about drug tests.
The answer depends on both the CBD and any potential THC content in your vape product. Detection times can range from a few days to several weeks.
Whether you’re facing a drug test or just curious about the longevity of CBD’s effects, this article breaks down the critical factors that determine the duration these compounds can remain in your system and shape your understanding of CBD vape usage.
Key Takeaways
- CBD vape does not show up on drug tests, but trace amounts of THC in some CBD products might, with full-spectrum CBD vape having a higher risk of producing a positive drug test due to its Delta-9 THC content.
- The detectability of THC from CBD vape in one’s system varies based on several factors, including dosage, frequency of use, metabolism, age, body composition, and the type of CBD product used.
- Different types of drug tests have varying detection windows for THC, with blood tests detecting THC up to several days, urine tests up to weeks or longer for heavy users, and hair tests potentially up to 12 months.
What Shows Up In Drug Tests? CBD Or THC?
While CBD itself does not show up on a drug test, trace amounts of THC in CBD vape may potentially lead to a positive result.
The maximum legal THC content in a CBD product is 0.3%, and regular usage of CBD vape can result in the accumulation of Delta-9 THC in the body, leading to extended detection periods. So, when it comes to drug tests, it’s not the CBD vape that’s the concern. It’s the THC.
Factors Influencing CBD Vape THC Duration in Your System
THC in your system from CBD vape can be influenced by several factors, including dosage, frequency of use, individual metabolism, and body composition.
Dosage and Frequency of Use
The duration of THC in your system is significantly affected by dosage and frequency of use. A significant amount of THC can be present in your system for up to 30 days if you vape throughout the day on a daily basis.
If you’re not taking breaks away from CBD at least once a week per month, low levels of THC can lead to extended detection periods.
The duration THC stays in the system can vary based on factors like metabolism, body fat, frequency of use, and the amount consumed.
The table below breaks down a hypothetical user of an average adult aged 30 with an average metabolism, average height, and average weight.
Here’s a breakdown of how much THC could potentially be in a Full Spectrum CBD Vape pen, CBD Isolate Vape Pen, and CBD Vape Juice. Please note that these THC levels are simply assuming the MAX amount of THC (0.3%) legally possible.
Most isolate products will not have 0.3% THC available in them as they are designed to strip most of the cannabinoids out, including THC. However, there can potentially be significant trace amounts detected or trace amounts that are not detected by modern machines (Typically labeled as NON-DETECT). Refer to the lab reports for your products.
- Full Spectrum CBD Vape Pen (400mg CBD, 0.3% THC, 1ml): Assuming the THC content is 0.3% of 400mg you would have 1.2mg of THC per 1ml pen.
- CBD Isolate Pen (300mg CBD, 0.3% THC, 1ml): Assuming the THC content is 0.3% of 300mg you would have 0.9mg of THC per 1ml pen.
- CBD Vape Juice (1,500mg CBD, 0.3% THC, 30ml): Assuming the THC content is 0.3% of 1,500mg you would have 4.5mg of THC in the entire 30ml bottle. This means that you would have 0.15mg of THC per 1ml.
Here is the estimated detection time in urine for each product, assuming occasional use:
DISCLAIMER: These are rough estimates, and actual detection times can vary based on individual factors and the sensitivity of the drug test. THC is stored in body fat and released slowly over time, affecting how long it is detectable. Your individual results may vary. For more accurate and personalized information, it’s recommended to consult a healthcare professional.
This table assumes occasional use. Frequent or heavy use can result in longer detection times. The same dose of THC can affect individuals differently based on their unique physiology.
So, if you’re a heavy user who vapes CBD frequently or in large doses, you may experience longer detection times of THC in drug tests. On the other hand, occasional or light users may find that CBD vape THC leaves their system more quickly.
Individual Metabolism and Body Composition
The length of time THC remains in your system is also influenced by your metabolism and body composition. Metabolism rates differ among individuals, which means that the speed at which your body metabolizes and eliminates substances such as THC can vary.
Age can also play a role, as the body’s metabolism tends to slow down with age, leading to longer retention of THC in the system of older individuals. If you have higher levels of body fat, THC may hold in your system longer due to the lipophilic nature of THC, which allows it to be stored in fat cells.
Type of CBD Vape Product
Different types of CBD vape products, including full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate, can also affect the duration of THC in your system.
Full Spectrum CBD Vape
Full-spectrum CBD vape includes a true-full-spectrum of cannabinoids, THC included. This THC content, although minimal, may lead to a positive drug test result. While the risk is relatively low, it’s something to keep in mind if you’re subject to regular drug testing. So, if you’re vaping full-spectrum CBD, you may want to be aware of your usage patterns and the potential for a positive drug test result. We like to lean to the safe side and advise you not to risk it.
Broad Spectrum CBD Vape
Unlike full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD vape has the majority of THC removed. Although it retains other beneficial compounds from the cannabis plant, the likelihood of a positive drug test result is lowered, but it may still be possible due to trace amounts present in a broad-spectrum extract.
Isolate CBD Vape
Isolate CBD vape is the ideal choice for those aiming to remove the absolute most amount of THC possible. As the name suggests, this type of product contains only CBD, with no other cannabinoids or terpenes. However, trace amounts below the level of detection may still be present.
What is the Level of Detection (LOD) In a 3rd Party Lab Report?
When it comes to testing for THC in CBD products, the level of detection is the smallest amount of THC that can be consistently detected by a testing method.
In Avida’s case, it’s High-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD). This is important because it determines whether a CBD product can be sold nationally by having federally legal levels of Delta-9 THC, which currently stands at 0.3%.
If THC in a CBD product is below the LOD of the testing method used, it is typically reported as “non-detectable” or “ND.”
Understanding LOD is important if you are concerned about the legal implications of consuming CBD products or if you are subject to drug testing. It’s important to note that “non-detectable” doesn’t necessarily mean the absolute absence of THC, but rather that its amount is so minuscule that it cannot be reliably identified or quantified by the testing equipment used.
Detecting THC in Your System: Tests and Timelines
Various tests can detect THC in your system, each with different detection windows. These tests include blood, urine, saliva, and hair tests.
Blood Tests
Blood tests can detect THC for up to several days after use. However, the detection time can be influenced by the concentration of THC in the CBD product, the frequency and amount of CBD vaping, and individual metabolism.
This means that if you’re a heavy user or if you vape CBD products with higher THC content, you might experience longer detection times. On the other hand, occasional or light users may find that THC leaves their bloodstream more quickly.
Urine Tests
Urine tests can detect THC for several days to weeks, depending on usage patterns and individual factors. Here are some general guidelines:
- For first-time users, it can be around three days
- For regular or weekly users, it’s about seven days
- For daily or heavy users, it can be around a month or longer
Again, the detection window can be extended by factors such as the duration and frequency of use, the potency of the product, and individual metabolism.
Saliva and Hair Tests
Saliva and hair tests can detect THC for longer periods, ranging from a few days to several months. THC is detected in saliva tests due to its presence in the mouth and can remain detectable for a period ranging from 24 to 72 hours.
On the other hand, THC can be detected in hair drug tests for an extended period, potentially up to 12 months after use. This is because substances in the bloodstream, such as THC, become integrated into new hair cells as hair grows.
What types of THC Drug Test?
Different types of THC drug tests include blood, urine, saliva, and hair tests, each with varying detection windows. THC can be detected in the blood for up to 7 days after use through a THC blood test.
On the other hand, urine tests involve a two-part process: a screening test that uses an immunoassay to detect THC or related substances, followed by a confirmatory test using chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify the specific substances present in the urine.
Lastly, a THC saliva test is designed to detect the Δ9-THC molecule, which is specific to cannabis and can be found in the mouth.
Tips for Clearing THC from Your System Faster
If you aim to eliminate THC from your system swiftly, consider the following strategies:
- Reduce usage frequency
- Engage in physical activities to promote metabolism and detoxification
- Maintain hydration by drinking plenty of water
Exercise can help speed up the metabolism of THC by targeting the fat cells where THC is stored. This can lead to the expulsion of THC from the body, potentially reducing the time it remains detectable.
Similarly, staying properly hydrated supports the body’s elimination processes, such as urination, which can help flush out toxins like THC more efficiently.
Final Word
The duration of THC in your system depends on several factors, including the type of product, dosage, frequency of use, and individual metabolism and body composition. Different types of CBD vape products, including full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate, can affect the duration of THC in your system.
Various tests can detect THC in your system, each with different detection windows. You should be aware of the potential for trace amounts of THC in CBD products and the risk of a positive drug test result. If you cannot fail a drug test due to employment or court mandates, we HIGHLY recommend you stay away from CBD products in general. We also recommend you read the master guide to vape CBD.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do CBD Vapes stay in your system?
CBD vapes typically stay in your system for about five to six hours after vaping. Inhaling CBD vapor allows it to enter the bloodstream quickly, offering immediate benefits.
How long does THC stay in your system?
The duration THC stays in your system varies based on several factors, including frequency of use, body composition, and metabolism. Generally, THC can be detected in urine for about 3 to 30 days after use. For heavy users, THC can remain detectable for a longer period, sometimes even longer than a month.
Is it safe to vape CBD daily?
It is recommended to start with a low dose, around 10-20mg per day, and increase gradually as needed when vaping CBD daily. Be mindful of individual factors like age, weight, and tolerance.
How does it feel after vaping CBD?
Vaping CBD is commonly described as providing a sense of ease and relaxation, though individual experiences may vary.
What shows up in a drug test, CBD or THC?
Drug tests primarily detect THC, not CBD, but there is a possibility of trace amounts of THC in some CBD products being detected. Be cautious when consuming CBD products if you are concerned about drug testing.